Sunday, July 14, 2013

again not graphics, but interesting!

I did a color test thingy and I got a score of 4! It was the blues/indigos that got me… @_@;
Go take it here!


Doesn't exactly count as graphics but I gotta post something sometime, right? (at 2:30AM)
In which I draw my medoll+clothes on iscribble, erase on the wrong layer, and just generally make a mess of it at the end.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

(from below post) sketch

ugh I'm going to give you my sketch too because reasons
sORRY my anatomy suckssss line wip (kinda?)

So you may have seen already but there's a free spot for a fashion line for TTT fashion week (something or other) so I thought, hey, I could maybe scrounge something together. 3 weeks is a long time. After sketching some thoughts, I made this WIP which will probsly be a........idk, ad or something? Idgaf, it does have my designs on it(although you won't see here)
Of course it's unfinished, and the colors might not even be the same when I'm done, but at least I'm doing graphics again.
Oh btw, possible fashion line name is Fe2O3.  Betcha can't figure out what it means, it's science-y ;) (You could just google it though)

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

dis be taking foreva

ugh an outfit hasn't even been come up with yet, and it's required for me to finish it by wednesday.....(for a computer art class)
ughhhhhhh why can't I just procrastinate like I do at school (btw guys what do you think of the hair honestly? I have a pretty spotty hair  technique)
I'll post the body reference in finished product post

Sunday, June 2, 2013

finished product

if you ignore the edgy-thingies a little..
and yup, changed the face to something less ugly! and I'm certain I messed up on the shading...but whatever(especially the legs, but they were part of the reference.)
reference found here: face graphic thing!

of course I was an idiot and didn't make my medoll bald so using her in graphics will be tricky..
don't use without permission, please. 

Sunday, April 28, 2013

random graphic.what

So I got pretty lazy with the skin and I'm sick, so not so quality.  Not done with the hair, or face shading.
and I did use a reference, if anyone cares.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Delete delete delete

I cannot believe that I actually made this. My sweet jesus, I was young and stupid and obsessed with Stardoll wasn't I? Well, to my 0 viewers, I'm still in the blogging business, and plan to COMPLETELY FREAKING REVAMP THIS SHIT 'cause everything is just....ugh. I was, like, 11 or something when I made this anyway.
My graphics are better, my writing's better, and I'm not as stupid, so....
welcome back, no one!